Nasdaq welcomes South Dakota biotech company as SAB goes public

“Polyclonal antibodies have lagged behind because up until now there was no way to produce fully human fully polyclonal antibodies outside of human donors. SAB’s technology represents the only technology in the world that can do that at this time,” said Sullivan.
On Monday, SAB Biotherapeutics Inc. began trading on the Nasdaq Global Market under the ticker symbols “SABS” and “SABSW”. Professor Thomas Geu of the USD School of Law says one of the biggest reasons for a company to go public is the ability to raise capital to expand.
“Going public requires both reputation, product, and track record you’ve got to be all three of those in order to successfully invite any kind of additional investment,” said Geu.
Sullivan tells us the COVID-19 treatment currently in FDA trials isn’t the only product they are working on. They also have potential treatments for the flu, diabetes, and some forms of cancer in the pipeline. SAB Biotherapeutics was previously known as Hematech.