K-12 STEM Outreach Grants

South Dakota Biotech, in partnership with SD EPSCoR, will award grants for K-12 STEM outreach efforts in South Dakota. The grants can be up to $1,000 per award and we intend to fund approximately 10 applications. 

The primary purpose of this grant is to enhance the quality of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education within South Dakota K-12 schools. We recognize that the future demands a skilled workforce proficient in STEM fields, capable of tackling complex global issues, driving innovation, and sustaining economic growth. The application must demonstrate how the proposed program or activity will support the long-term goals of strengthening the state's science education system and connecting outreach activities with South Dakota STEM companies, thereby shaping the future workforce.

There are two parts for this funding:
Phase 1:  Learn more about an SD STEM company and attend an informational workshop. Learning about SD STEM careers can either be done as part of the NSF SD EPSCOR Research Symposium or through some other way of learning, such as attending a similar event, seeking out information online, or attending the outreach informational webinar set by SD EPSCOR. A recording of the informational webinar is available for viewing here:

Phase 2: Use the grant award to connect K-12 students with STEM careers. Examples: (a) conduct a STEM-related activity that relates to an SD Biotech member or other STEM company/organization and tie it back to a career opportunity, (b) organize a tour with a local facility or host an event that connects youth to a STEM career (c) Other outreach efforts such as STEM scholarships or purchasing science education materials, etc. 

Eligibility: Applicants include but are not limited to, educators at a public, private, or tribal K-12 school in South Dakota, university faculty, and non-profit organizations interested in increasing their K-12 STEM outreach efforts.

Grant Application Due Date: September 15, 2024
Awardees Notified: September 30, 2024



SD Biotech Scholarship FAQ's

2024 SD EPSCoR/SD Biotech K-12 STEM Outreach Application FAQ

1. What is the purpose of this grant?
The grant aims to enhance STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education within South Dakota K-12 schools. By providing up to $1,000 per award, the program supports initiatives that strengthen the state's science education system and connect students with STEM career opportunities, particularly those linked to South Dakota STEM companies.

2. Who can apply for this grant?
Eligible applicants include:

  • Educators at public, private, or tribal K-12 schools in South Dakota.
  • University faculty.
  • Non-profit organizations.
  • Homeschool Cooperatives.

3. How much funding is available?
Grants of up to $1,000 are available, with approximately 10 applications expected to be funded.

4. What are the two phases of the funding process?
Phase 1: Learn about South Dakota STEM companies and attend an informational workshop. You can participate in the NSF SD EPSCOR Research Symposium or other learning methods such as online resources or the SD EPSCOR Grant Opportunity Webinar.
Phase 2: Use the grant to connect K-12 students with STEM careers. This could include conducting STEM-related activities tied to SD Biotech members, organizing facility tours, hosting career events, or other outreach efforts like providing scholarships or purchasing educational materials.

5. What types of activities can be funded?

  • STEM-related activities linked to SD Biotech members or other STEM organizations.
  • Facility tours or events that connect students with STEM careers.
  • Outreach efforts such as STEM scholarships or educational materials.
  • There are no restrictions on the type of materials you can purchase with grant funds. You can buy hardware (e.g., detectors), consumables, field trip costs, etc.

6. When will the funds be available?
Funds can be made available right away. Grant recipients will be presented with a giant "check" at the summit in October and will have a year from the award date to spend the funds.

7. What is the deadline to apply for this grant?
The application is due by September 15, 2024.

8. When will applicants be notified of award decisions?
Awardees will be notified by September 30, 2024.

9. How do I apply for the grant?
Submit your application through the provided Google Form link.

10. Can I apply if I missed the live webinar?
Yes, the webinar will be recorded and available for those who cannot attend live. You can view the recording to fulfill Phase 1 requirements.

11. Is there any specific format or criteria for the application?
Your application should demonstrate how the proposed program or activity will enhance STEM education and connect students with STEM career opportunities in South Dakota. Be sure to include details about the proposed activity, its connection to STEM careers, and how it aligns with the goals of the grant.

12. Who can I contact if I have questions about the grant?
For additional questions or more information, please contact Kara@sdbio.org.

13. Where can I find more information about the grant?
For more details, refer to the grant application form link above.